Saturday, September 14, 2013

Covergirl LineExact Liquid Eyeliner review!

A couple of days ago, I bought a TON of new makeup that I really wanted to try. For a while I've been using a little pot full of cream eyeliner, but it's really hard to handle and even harder to take off. I knew that I wanted a liquid liner with a paint brush like pen. When I saw this one at Target, I had to have it! It was only $6.50, so I bought one in 600 Black and 610 Brown.

My experience with liquid liner has not always been the greatest. Since the formula is not as thick as a pencil or a cream, it tends to wear off a lot quicker than other products. I was kind of nervous buying and trying this product, because I didn't want it to wear off 3 hours in to the day. 

Now, for the REVIEW! This product is amazing, and I have been wearing it every single day since I bought it. If you want it to last all 8 hours of the school day, you have to apply a nice thick line. You know it's a good line if it looks nice, smooth, and black, without any little spots where there is less actual formula.  The product is really easy to apply, and if you mess up, a little water on a Q-Tip will erase the icky part really easily. I only have good things to say about it! 

I wore this liner during tech week of the show that I'm in, so I couldn't reapply or even check it for a little over 14 hours. When I got home, it looked like I had applied it 5 minutes before. If you are looking for a long lasting liquid liner that will give you a thin, neat line, I totally recommend this product! It is cheap, good quality, and really easy to apply a thin line one your lash line!

I hope you guys thought this post was useful! I know a lot of people who aren't pleased with their eyeliners at the moment, so I thought I would post this to spread the word about a really awesome eyeliner I've been using. 

Sorry for not posting this yesterday! I completely blanked. As an apology, I will have TWO posts next week! One on Monday, and one on Sunday! (I'm not publishing it on Friday because there is something really fun happening on Saturday that I want to tell you guys about.) After that, Fridays are TheOneChameleon days!

Stay groovy,
xo Camille

P.S. I'm a little less than 300 views away from 3,000 views on my blog! I want to do something really special to thank you guys for sticking with me and reading my posts whenever I make one. What do you think I should do? I'm honestly asking for your opinion, so please DON'T BE SHY! Tweet me or comment or ask me on tumblr, I really want to know what you guys think would be a treat. Maybe a giveaway, a video, a livestream? 

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