Friday, September 6, 2013

school ☹

First order of business: An apology. I HAVEN'T POSTED IN OVER 2 WEEKS GUYS. This is not cool with me, and it shouldn't be cool with you guys either, right? (I mean, I am the highlight of your week. Duh.) Anyway, I feel absolutely awful, but I've come up with a way to keep my posts regular, but not too hard for me to keep up with.

Before, I was trying to do a post about every 2 or 3 days so you would get two or three posts a week. Now with school starting, and an unbelievably hard schedule (don't worry, I'll get to it..) I'm thinking I'm going to make it so that I publish a new post every Friday. Deal? Deal. 

Today, I thought I'd make a more personal post than I usually do: A brief summary of my first week of school.

My 2013-14 school year started on a chilly but sunny Tuesday morning. I had finished my summer homework late the night before, and was completely prepared for another rough school year. I tried to keep my mind open, because a bad attitude can ruin everything. I was extra excited because this year my school decided to give all of the students laptops (right?!?), and I hadn't had a personal laptop since 8th grade when my old school also gave MacBooks to the entire 8th grade. 

Anyway, first class is APUSH (AP United States History), which is probably my hardest class of the whole semester. I got super lucky and got one of the best teachers for both terms that I'm taking this class. The whole period she was cracking jokes and making us a little less nervous about the scariness that would come up until the AP exam in May. Even though she still assigned us a ton of homework (and has been every day since) I'm super excited for this class and the things I will learn. My class is also includes 3 of my really good friends, so we can have epic study parties. Today, some past APUSH survivors came in and talked to us about how to survive the class (hopefully with a passing grade). I'm nervous because I really want a good grade, but excited because I feel like even though it'll be stressful, it'll be fun!

Second hour was Biology! Now, I am in NO way a science-head so I opted for the regular version of the class instead of taking a harder Honors class. After taking a breathtakingly hard science class last year, I came in incredibly nervous, not knowing what to expect. After sitting through the first class (during which I discovered that 2 MORE of my really good friends were going to join me in this class for the whole semester), I came to the conclusion that it would be easy as pie, which is good. We shouldn't get too much homework so I can focus more on my HW heavy classes (*cough cough* APUSH *cough cough*) and we will go at a slower pace so hopefully I'll actually understand what my teacher is saying.

Then Spanish. I'm a couple levels up because I've had a Spanish tutor for a while, so even though I'm only in 10th grade I'm taking CIS Spanish 5. In other words, I'm in a class with all seniors and juniors. My teacher seems really sweet, and right now the homework isn't too bad, so it'll be ok. I'm super nervous for the tests because I am not very good at writing gramatical sentences and essays without having a couple of days to edit out mistakes. It'll be tough. Wish me luck!

Finally, my day concludes with Photography. From the moment I first stepped foot into that classroom I knew I would hate that class. Now don't get me wrong, I love photography and the idea of developing film and art and things, but my teacher seems like such an awful person I can't think straight. He is one of those guys who says art is THIS WAY and if you don't do it THAT WAY you aren't doing art right. Every time he speaks a butterfly dies. (Maybe I'm exaggerating, but I'm serious about hating that man.) Not to mention my class is filled with the most annoying freshman, sophomores, and juniors in probably the whole school. I just have to get through it.

Yee thank you guys for letting me blab about my school stories. If you guys have any fun/wacky/sad/scary back to school stories, please tell me in the comments, tweet me, or message me on tumblr! I love reading about that kind of stuff. 

If you are waiting for more posts like the ones I usually do, I have a fun review coming next week! 

Stay groovy,
xo Camille

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