Monday, September 16, 2013

how to make your vocal chords happy before an audition ☺

I don't know about you guys,  but auditions for the musical at my high school are this week, so I've been preparing my voice like crazy. I know a couple of my readers are aspiring singers, actors, and musical theater junkies, so hopefully this will help you guys out! Refer back to this post before any major performance or audition, or just memorize all these teeny tips give your already fantastic voice a boost.

 Without further ado, here are somethings you need to do to prepare your vocal chords before any audition (This is for actors too! No actor wants a scratchy voice when they want the big role).

Honey ♡ Before singing, honey is a lifesaver. Eat a teaspoon of honey plain, or add it to a cup of tea or warm water. Honey is really soothing to your throat, and will make your vocal chords cooperate well. This brings me to my next "must have"....

Tea ♡ Tea is SO AMAZING for your throat! The warmness of the water will soothe your voice, and the herbs make it super tasty. If you don't like the taste of tea, just drink warm water! The goal we are trying to reach is warm/hot-ness in your body. Add a little bit of honey and lemon for an extra vocal boost. (This is also really good if you have a sore throat in general.)

Cough Drops ♡ This might seem kind of obvious, but popping a cough drop or throat lozenge before singing can make or break an audition. They may not make you sound like Mariah Carey, but they definitely will keep your vocal chords healthy.

Warm up ♡ For the professionals, this is obvious. But for me, I didn't realize that warming up was necessary, so I never did it until now. Warming up your voice and making it loose will  increase your range and keep your voice sounding fabulous for a lot longer than if you don't.

Water ♡ I'm pretty sure that in all of my "checklist" posts, I put water on here somewhere. BUT WITH REASON! Water is amazing and fantastic, and if you drink a lot of water the week of your audition, your vocal chords will thank you. Keeping your vocal chords hydrated will not only make you feel better, but sound better too.

Humidity ♡ Being in a super humid environment will make your voice really happy, so sleep with your humidifier ON the night before! If you don't have a humidifier, don't fret! After a steamy hot shower, sit in the bathroom for a little bit and take really deep breaths. The humidity will hydrate your vocal chords and make them really healthy.

Now, here is some of the stuff you should AVOID before the big day.

Coughing ♡ While it's very important to clear your throat before you sing, try to avoid coughing. It stresses out your vocal chords and can make them hoarse when you don't want it to be. Instead of coughing to clear your throat, you can do a low whisper-y type cough that is a lot less intense. 

Milk/Dairy ♡ Milk and dairy can really mess up your vocal chords the day before or the day of an audition. It makes it clogged, and your range will be totally off. Avoid putting milk in your coffee, eating yogurt or any dairy filled treat. Also, avoid sugar-y snacks and candy, which also makes your voice unhappy. 

Singing ♡ You're probably thinking: "WHAT? I need to practice!" And I agree, you should practice! But the day before your audition, you really should be on vocal rest, or try not to sing or talk at all. Resting your vocal chords the day before your audition will really make a difference. You don't want to overwork your voice!

I think that just about wraps it up! I hope that this post was helpful, and keeps your voices lovely and healthy.  Another post will be up on SUNDAY (If you want an explanation, check out my previous post.)

Stay groovy,
xo Camille

P.S. What should I do in celebration for 3,000 pageviews on TheOneChameleon?  I'm honestly asking for your opinion, so please DON'T BE SHY!Tweet me or comment or ask me on tumblr, I really want to know what you guys think would be a treat. Maybe a giveaway, a video, a livestream? 

                       ♡ share this post with your friends if it you liked it! ♡ 

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