Wednesday, August 7, 2013

back to school week: day 3 ♡

Hump day is here! Wednesday is maybe my favorite post of the week: Cosmetics!

Face wash! With school comes stress breakouts, and as your resident blogger, it's my job to prevent those! Washing your face is really important, and if you want to keep those pores nice and clean, a great face wash is the way to go. Since your face's skin is so much more delicate than your hands and the rest of your body, you can't just use hand wash to keep your face clean. Face washes come in a variety of types, prices, and bottle sizes, so don't worry if you think you won't find the right one for your skin. I'm currently obsessing over the Pacifica Sea Foam Complete Face Wash, which costs around $10 at Target. Another great place to look for face washes is!

Moisturizer! This goes along with the acne part I talked about above. Even if your skin is oily, you still need moisturizer! (Just look for a oil-free moisturizer instead.) Like the face washes, you can find so many different types when it comes to size, price, and specialty. The one I currently use (I can't remember the name, ugh) was around $7, and the container is huge. Aveeno moisturizers are awesome, and the one I have pictured is called "Positively Radiant" and costs around $17 per bottle. If you can find a moisturizer with SPF, even better.

Sunscreen! Okay, okay, I know it sounds dumb, but sunscreen is actually a life saver. Even if you are inside, the sun rays can seriously damage your skin if you are sitting by a window. If your argument against sunscreen is that it makes you look oily, or makes your skin look white-ish, I have a solution for you! Chemical sunscreens have a matte finish and protect you better from both UVA and UVB rays! The only con about them is that they aren't very good for sensitive skin. This liquid sunscreen claims to have a matte finish, and SPF 50 (the more the better!), is oil free, and only costs $10. To learn more about the benefits of sunscreen, I super recommend you guys watch this video, because it it super duper smart.

BB Cream! BB Cream is probably my favorite makeup product to ever be produced. It is kind of like foundation, but so much easier and low maintenance! It also is super great for your skin, containing moisturizer and sunscreen. The one that I use (and the one that I have pictured) costs about $8, and is really great. It has SPF 30 (which is higher than other BB creams) so if you wear this you could probably skip the sunscreen. SPF 30 means that it should last around 5 hours (again, WATCH THE VIDEO ABOVE!!) which is a little less than a school day, but still better than nothing. In addition to all of the great health benefits BB Cream gives you, it helps cover up nasty blemishes and makes you look totally fabulous.

Mascara! I am head over heals in LOVE with Great Lash mascara. It is probably one of the cheapest drug store mascaras on the market, but it works so damn well! I just use the standard brush, and it makes my eyelashes look really natural with zero clumps. Depending where you buy it, it costs around $5, but is worth every penny.

Lip Balm! In the winter and fall, my lips get chapped really easily, and the last thing I want is dry looking lips. I really love honey infused chapsticks (Like this one from Burts Bees for $3) because they just feel really nice on your lips. Right now my go to chapstick is from the Savannah Bee Company that I got while I was in Georgia. Other great lip balm brands are EOS, Baby Lips, and good old Chapstick!

Nail Polish! Not a necessity, but still fun! During the school year I developed this habit of painting my nails every Sunday while I finished up my homework so that it would last until Friday of that week. Since us teens nowadays don't have much time to sit and wait for nail polish to try, I threw in some fast drying top coat, which claims to have your nail polish completely dry in 60 seconds. Pretty great, right?

Now that we got this one out of the way! Day 4 is about as long as this, and Friday is a quickie just like the first two. I hope you guys liked this post, and stay beautiful (and clean) all year long!

 Stay groovy,

xo Camille

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