Tuesday, August 6, 2013

back to school week: day 2 ♡

Tuesday is here! So glad that we got Monday out of the way.

Tuesday is the most anticipated day of the week: Technology.

Laptop Cover! My school is giving Macbooks to everyone this year for some reason (I KNOW RIGHT?!), so keeping your computer different from everyone else's will be a challenge. Then, my friend Mackenzie introduced me to these little wonders: hard cases for your computer. These cases come in an array of colors, and are easily removable, making a boring ordinary laptop into something so much more fun! I found this one on Amazon.com for around $10. If these cases aren't your style, they also have really cute vinyl decals which are basically little drawings that you can stick onto your computer like a little sticker. They are a little harder to remove, but when it comes time to turn your computer back in, it shouldn't take too long.

Keyboard Cover! These little covers are purely fun. You can match the color of your keyboard to the color of your computer, or you can buy a keyboard color with a fun design. Like the cases, they come in an array of colors and are super inexpensive (costing .99¢ on Amazon.com). Like the cases, they are really easy to remove and make you look like you paid a lot more for it than you really did.

Computer Case! A computer case is kind of a must have, unlike the two covers I mentioned above. Not only does it protect your computer from the ickiness in your backpack and on your desk, but it also can set your computer apart from the crowd if you leave it somewhere. They come in an array of prices, so I can't really estimate a number, but I honestly think it's worth it. There are countless designs and patterns, so if you can't find the right one for you, keep looking! You can find some really amazing ones on Etsy.com (I'm especially loving the ones by DinosaursStudio, so look him up). The one I have pictured above is Kate Spade for $60, and even though it is way to expensive for me, I love how it's so timeless.

Phone Case! Keeping your phone safe from the clumsy hands of a teenager doesn't mean that it has to look ugly. There are endless possibilities for cute phone cases, and you can buy incredibly stylish ones for super cheap. For the past year, I have been obsessed with the Marc Jacobs Phone Case collection (which the one above is from), and would probably buy and iPhone for the sole purpose of getting one of his trendy cases. The one above is $48 dollars, but adorable, right??

Another short one, but I'm just building you guys up for tomorrow (it's going to be SUPER long. Let's just say that I'm very close with the topic.) I hope you guys liked reading it, so leave me suggestions for other techie things for the school year and I will love reading them!

Stay groovy,
xo Camille

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