Sunday, July 28, 2013


A couple of days ago, my family (with the exception of my older sister, Sienna) packed up our gear and headed to one of the most well known music festivals in the world: Vans Warped Tour. Chloe and I have been begging our parents for years to let us attend, but every year they shut us down. Finally, this year for my birthday, we got tickets! My parents decided that since we wanted to see 4+ bands, the $40 per person was worth it.

If you don't feel like reading all of my band shenanigans, you can skip to the end where you see a little "" marking the spot!

After getting stuck in crazy traffic (and making super awkward eye contact with other warped-tour-goers in the car) we reached the venue. It was mega crowed, and we rushed across the park to catch a performance by my mom's all time fave singer, Gin Wigmore. She had already started by the time we got there, so we only got to see a few songs, but regardless she was amazing! We met her afterwords, and she was totally sweet. When you meet a lot of artists after their sets they are either really condescending and act like you're 3 years old, or they're total pricks and act like they have somewhere really important to be. Gin was non of the above. She greeted us warmly with a hug, and asked if she could sign one of the things that we bought from her merch store. Here is a link to her fantastic website!!

After that, we caught a couple songs by Tonight Alive and then stayed for a performance by a really cute band called For the Foxes. I have personally never heard of them before, but as soon as they walked out on stage, I knew I would love them. The guitarist was decked out in a pastel pink guitar, and the lead singer was so cute I was instantly in love. They have a kind of pop-y/indie/alternative sound, and I really suggest that you guys check them out. They rocked their performance, and I totally believe that they have star quality. I can't find their official website, so this will have to do.

We knew that the performance by one of my personal favorites, Nevershoutnever, would be really crowded, but even though Chloe and I were 15 minutes early it was crowded as ever. We were standing in the way back, so I could only see him if I stood on my tippy toes, but that doesn't mean he wasn't fantastic! Since I'm really familiar with Christopher Drew and his band, I wasn't really as blown away with his performance as I was with the previous ones, but it still was really great to be able to watch someone that I've idolized for so long perform my favorite songs right in front of my eyes! In true Nevershoutnever fashion, Christopher pulled out a cigarette as he was singing and started smoking in the middle of his set. If you haven't heard of them (which if you haven't, you gotta get with the program, sister!) here is his official website.

Later, Chloe and I went to go see a band that I had been dying to hear, The Summer Set. In all honesty, I've only heard a couple of songs by them, and I really wanted to hear more. What a better place to do that than see them live? This set was a party! Since they are more popular than the two first bands I saw at this same stage (NOT nevershoutnever. He was at the big shot stage.), the amount of people made it a ton of fun. Someone even proposed to his girlfriend on stage in between their songs! (Here is a clip, if that interests you.) The lead singer did an amazing job of pumping up the crowd, and I think it was my favorite band from the whole day. They are really "pop" sounding, so if you're into that, check it!

And last but not least, Chloe dragged me to see an artist she is obsessed with, the lovely William Beckett. You may know him as an ex-member from the band "The Academy Is". He was so sweet and down to earth on stage, I found it really hard NOT to like him! He played in the acoustic basement, meaning it was just him and his guitar. He is so talented and sweet, and was the nicest guy when we met him after he performed.

♡  Now, for the fun part. From what I learned during my fantastic experience at Warped Tour, here is a beginners guide on how to survive and outdoor music festival.

Sunscreen! I actually did apply sunscreen at the beginning of the day, but even then it completely wore off by 3:00. Wear sunscreen, and bring it with you to reapply! I'd rather be a little white than burnt.

Water! The number one problem at festivals like this is dehydration. You sweat a lot with the sun combined with dancing around do the music, so water is leaving your body at a rapid pace. Warped is decked out with refill stations, so you can refill your water bottle for free. Water is your best friend, forever and always.

Pickpockets! Since I live in a safe suburb of Minneapolis, I've never really had a personal problem with pickpockets where I live. But whenever I go to cities like New York and especially music festivals, pickpockets are everywhere. Keep your valuables deep in your bag or purse (not in a side pocket), and never keep it in your back pocket. Always have money in multiple places in case your wallet gets stolen. My money-hide-out place-of-choice is my shoe!

A Camera! You never know when you'll see a member of your favorite band walking around, so always have a camera (or camera phone) at easy access.

Money! It doesn't matter if you promise yourself that you won't buy anything, emergency money is a must! You might get hungry, or really want a T-shirt, or need to buy a poster so that you can get an artist to sign it. 

Charged and Ready! Always bring your phone that is charged and ready for action! Chances are that you probably will get separated from your friends, so you need a way to contact them! I know that warped has a charging station, but you never want to get stuck in that situation where you have no charge and need to walk around. To be safe, carry a piece of paper with your parents/friends numbers on them so you can borrows a strangers phone if needed.

Cans! (what?) Weird, I know, but hear me out. At Warped Tour, they have a station where you can skip the enormously long line if you bring 3 cans or a used cell phone. My parents and I did this this year, and it was SO helpful! As soon as we got there we flew right in to the venue, not waiting in any line of any kind. (The people waiting in the General Admittance line next to us looked very frustrated.)

Well that's it! I had so much fun this year, and I really want to go back next year. I hope you guys found this post helpful, and I will catch you later!!

Stay groovy,
xo Camille

P.S. I saw you while I was at Warped, it was so cool seeing you! I know that I didn't stop and talk to a couple of people I recognized, but you guys are all in my heart when I write this post!

1 comment:

  1. you didn't see me at warped i wasn't even there you liar
