Wednesday, February 26, 2014

some mid-week inspiration

It's Wednesday. We're almost through with the week, but I think we all need a little push to make it to the weekend. I was thinking about this today, and I have a something to think about, hopefully to motivate you to finish off the week strong. Everyone needs a little inspiration every now and then, right?

Right now in my Microeconomics class, we learned about this term called a "sunk cost". The proper definition I got from Investopedia is "A cost that has already been incurred and thus cannot be recovered.". For example, let's say that a company invests $30,000 into this new marketing campaign. When the campaign is released to the public, they find that their sales haven't increased at all, meaning that the company essentially lost it's $30,000. Putting more money into this strategy really would only result in more resources lost. So, instead of investing MORE money into this campaign, obviously the only thing that the company can do is to take it as a loss and try something new.

I think that we all need to think about some of the sunk costs in our lives. So you get a bad grade in a class that was really difficult for you, or maybe you found out that one of your friends wasn't really a friend at all. You can't go back and fix these things without losing more of your resources, energy and time. You have to take it as a loss, and move on. And trust me, I know how much it sucks, But sometimes it's the only thing you can do to keep yourself strong.

Don't dwell on the negative. When you experience something crappy, sometimes the only thing you can do is learn from your mistakes, and keep on going.

I hope this mini-post gets you guys through the week alright!

Stay groovy,
xo Camille

p.s. the photo that i used above is NOT mine! thanks to whoever took it. 

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