Sunday, February 23, 2014

a beginners guide to concerts

It was only a couple of years that I went to my very first real concert by myself. It was Dial Up Tour featuring LiveLavaLive and Meekakitty. Okay, maybe it technically wasn't a REAL concert, but it was still at the House of Blues in Chicago and it was still really fun. Your first concert can be scary, especially if you're going to a show where you know there will be a lot of people a lot older than you. Now I am in no way an expert on concerts or anything, seeing as I've only been to about 6, but I'm hoping that I can provide some helpful tips for the concert virgins out there!

One of the biggest questions I always freak out over before I go to the venue is what do I wear? Easy peasy! First, think about what you think other people will be wearing so that you don't stand out as a newbie. But secondly (and most importantly) wear what you'll be comfortable in! If you'd rather go in jeans, GO FOR IT! If you prefer a skirt, it's up to you! Where comfy shoes, because you'll probably be standing for 3+ hours. If you're planning on wearing nice shoes, pants/tights that will rip, or anything with a value over $30, you should be extra careful. Concerts are dirty and people can get rowdy. Be prepared to have drinks spilled on you or be pushed into icky stuff.

I always suggest getting there early. You never know how long the line will be (especially if it's a popular artist). Plus, if you want to buy a t-shirt/poster, you definitely want to beat the line. Depending on how popular the artist is or how big the venue is, get there anywhere from an hour to 15 minutes before the doors open. You really can't avoid waiting for a little bit. Either you have to wait for the doors to open or you have to wait in line to get in. Always bring an ID just in case (even if you are under 18) and they usually won't let you in with any outside food or drink. If you think you'll get thirsty, pack extra cash because concessions will be super expensive.

Next,  where should you stand? Again, this kind of depends on where your priorities lie. If you would rather be up in the front, you have to be prepared to be squished and/or grinded against. You also should get to the venue a lot earlier. The front middle of the crowd is usually where there is a mosh pit or heavy dancing. Unless you like being groped by strangers, stand off to the side or near the back. If you don't mind standing in the back or in the middle, just know that you might not have the best view of the artist. This doesn't take away from the experience though, I promise!

Then, just focus on having fun and staying safe! Depending on where you live or where the concert is, you should have varying levels of safety precautions/paranoia.  If you're planning on bringing money for merchandise or food, always keep it super close to your body. If you want, keep it in multiple places too. Keep $10 in your front pocket, $10 in your shoe, and $10 in your purse, just in case. Always have your cell phone completely charged and somewhere where it won't fall out or be stolen. If you see anything super scary, there are usually security guards nearby.

I think that about ends it! I hope you enjoyed this post (and I hope it didn't scare you too much)!! If YOU guys have your own tips for concerts that I didn't mention, please leave them down in the comments!

Stay groovy,

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