Friday, August 9, 2013

back to school week: day five ♡

Now, don't think that I forgot about some of the other super important stuff that we kiddos need for school. 

The last day of Back To School Week is awkward, but necessary: Other.
Planner! Staying organized is crucial for a productive year, especially if you have a lot going on. Writing down assignments, events, practices, and other stuff is going to make your life 10x easier. Plus, if you have your days all planned out (with 10 minute breaks every hour) you can probably make it to bed by 10pm AND have finished all of your homework, activities, and even fit in some exercise time. I'll probably end up buying one from my school because I really like how it tells me when there are events and stuff, but this one from FEED is super cool! Plus, it gives 12 meals to hungry people all over America.

Water bottle! Staying hydrated is SO important, especially since you will be using all of that brain power during the day. Last year, I switched from a cup of really strong coffee in the morning to just a bottle of water and I felt so much better at school. Plenty of water will keep your mind sharp and your body (and skin, and hair) feeling fantastic. I like to bring a water bottle to school because it's a lot easier than stopping at a water fountain after every class. I really like this red one also by FEED, that feeds 10 people!

Lunch box! Now, you're probably thinking: "I don't see a lunch box anywhere in that picture, Camille!" and technically you're right. The little tin box I have pictured is a Bento box, or a little box with a couple of sections for your food. I loooove Bento boxes because not only are they really cute and keep your food organized, but they also are awesome to take care of your portion sizes! Fill these up with veggies, rice, and some other fun stuff and you're good to go! A lot of the time, I add a granola bar or a bag of crackers on the side so I have enough brain power to get me through the day. Planning out meals ahead of time and packing them for school is SO much healthier for you than buying them from school! Plus a ton yummier (and cheaper).

Alarm clock! Everyone has a hard time getting up in the morning. Whether your alarm clock is an iPhone, a clock, or your parents, we need some way to get us up in the morning. I think this alarm clock is super cool because it really gets you moving, because it starts wheeling around as it begins to beep! 

Coffee/Tea cup! Let's be honest, mornings are impossible. Whether you're a coffee or tea drinker, a lot of us need an extra boost to get us through our first and second classes. I really like this coffee mug (AND I FORGET WHERE I FOUND IT SO I'M SO SO SORRY) for your daily cup!

That marks the end of back to school week! I hope you guys had a fantastic Friday, and a fantastic school year! But don't worry, we've got a couple of weeks before school starts.

Stay groovy,
xo Camille

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