Saturday, November 12, 2016

thoughts from my dad

I'm sure we're all reeling since the news on Tuesday night, whether in a positive way or negative. For me, the results of the election were unequivocally devastating. I had just spent the past week campaigning and canvassing for Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania, one of the most important swing states of the election, so the loss hit really close to home, not to mention the regressive years we have to look forward to under a President Trump.

Knowing this, my dad sat down and wrote a message for me and my sisters to make us feel better. I'm hoping that his words of consolation will make those who choose to read this feel a little bit better in light of the results.

(And my mom asked me to make it go viral, so I'm giving it my best shot)


Hello Ladies!

With the election very fresh in our minds, I wanted to give you my perspective on things.  

  1. If you are out there protesting, “Be Safe!” Your health and safety are my paramount concern. Nothing gets accomplished if you get hurt or worse.
  2. Your passion rocks. People say young adults are so glued to their phones they won’t do anything. Your voices and actions are proving them wrong.
  3. Moreover, I like what you are fighting for – justice, equality, fairness. I’ve always believed that the strong have an obligation to take care of the weak (not to crush them), the young take care of the old, and the healthy take care of the sick.*
  4. Today, we can say that those who were born here should watch out for immigrants, the middle class should protect those on the economic brink, and we must ensure there is no discrimination against people based on immutable characteristics (race, religion, gender, orientation, etc.).  I’m proud that these are your convictions too!
  5. This outcome feels wrong because Hillary won the popular vote.   (So, remember, we actually won!) Trump made wild promises of fixing everything and people fell for it. Eventually, people will be disappointed when Trump does not deliver. And we will be ready to restore our values
  6. Tomorrow is another day. Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. You have already gotten up! You are already rising!
  7. But after this dies down it is time to focus on college and your goals. The best way to ultimately prevail is to be in the position to help others even more – as a successful (fill in the blank)
  8. To give you some perspective, I was there when Reagan beat Carter and everything got de-regulated, a Pres who didn’t acknowledge AIDS until one of his actor friends died, and he built up the military so much we were more fearful of a nuclear war than ever before. But I focused on graduating from college and then law school (when the first Bush came into power) and then moving to MN and starting a new life here. I focused on what I could control.
  9. A recession came that Bush 1 was not ready for and in 1992,out of the blue, the poorest candidate from the poorest state in country became President. And he balanced the budget, brought on economic growth no one had seen, and appointed Ruth Bader Ginsberg (RBG!), among other achievements.
  10. I’ve been there too when Bush “beat” Gore. Bush 2 made many monumental mistakes - he let us be attacked on September 11th, thrust us into two wars that were badly mismanaged, and plunged us into the biggest economic downtown since the depression. The economy almost stopped working due to his policies and ignorance.
  11. But, you know what? We (as a country and as a family) survived, we pulled through, and we ultimately prevailed. Obama rescued our economy and had many achievements across many areas – Sonia Sotomayor!
  12. The US and the Ramos Family have pulled through and prevailed regardless of who lives in the White House! You have and you will too!
  13. Focus on what you can control. College is part “paying your dues” in order to position yourself later to live a healthy and abundantly happy life filled with love, family and friends, good food, laughter, fun adventures, travel, personal growth and development, and having the ability to help others.

You rock. I love you! Take care of yourself!

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