Saturday, December 21, 2013

christmas wish list

The countdown to Christmas has finally begun! In anticipation of the popular holiday, I present to you my Holiday wish list. (It would be for Hanukkah, but that has already come and gone).

If you know me at all, or even glance at me in the hallways, you'll know that I wear scarves almost every day. I love how comfy and warm they are, and I'd love some more to mix and match with for various outfit combos.

I've been reading a ton lately, so some new books are always on my wish list. I have a huge list saved on my computer of books that I'm dying to read, but here are a few.

We're already a couple of weeks into winter, and it's pretty obvious that this year is going to be pretty dang cold. What better way to keep warm than with a fuzzy sweater or cardigan? Staying true to my normal color scheme (red, grey, white, and black) I thought these four were absolutely adorable.
Everyone wants some rad stuff for Christmas, right? Here I put a fun little candle, a calendar (because I LOVE calendars. I don't know why!), a couple of fun books, and 3 really cute tea cups. If you click the image, you can see up close all of them really are!
I am a beanie freak (gettit, because the beanie in the picture says freak....)! Whenever I can, I throw on a beanie to complete an outfit. It's always fun to mix and match, so grey and black are my favorite (surprise). I think the ones with pom poms on the top are pretty darn fab too. 
A ton of bloggers have been super into candles lately, so I thought I'd give em' a shot! In the summer I'd always have flowers in my room to keep it smelling fresh, so I feel like it's only appropriate to have a nice smelling candle during the winter.
The one huge trend this season that I currently DON'T own any of is a plaid, flannel overshirt. Every time I try to buy one, I always some how end up chickening out. I've always really liked plaid, now more than ever, and a flannel is a fun way to spice up a cozy day.
You can't really go wrong with gift cards. I only really like giving gift cards when it's to a place that you can't really BUY them anything from that store. This includes Starbucks, Michaels Crafts, AMC Theaters, Sephora (because makeup is weird and has to fit your face and stuff idk man), etc. 
Going along with the theme of money, I'd really appreciate a little cash to donate online. I always seem to find charities or kickstarters that I get really excited about, but can't afford to fund. Especially when I log into Wikipedia (who is having a fundraiser right now) I just want to give! That's what Christmas is all about, right?
I'm a pretty low key gal when it comes to makeup. I usually only wear eyeliner and mascara, but sometimes it's fun to dress up and do something a little more exciting. I am in love with the Naked 2 matte palette, and others that you can see in the lil' image above. I'm a girly girl, what can I say?
And to finish off today's post, a little hand lotion. In the winter, my hands get so dry it looks like my fingers could fall off at any moment. This EOS hand lotion is super easy to stick in my back pack, or even pocket, and carry around to keep my hands looking human. Plus, the packaging is too pretty to resist. 

Well I hope you all enjoyed this post! Before I sign off, I'd just like to say that Christmas (or the general Holidays, whatever you celebrate) isn't all about presents and materialistic things. Giving on Christmas doesn't have to be something that you buy. It can be something as simple and festive as a heartfelt card, or even a hug. Maybe you can give your loved ones a coupon for a whole day with you, no internet, cell phones, iPods, anything! The holidays are about love and giving, and not just "stuff". 

And with that, I'll get outta here!

Happy Holidays, cuties!
xo Camille

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